Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yesterday was an amazing Jesus this letter 
About a year ago, I was caught with a controlled substance and the situation of that was very strange to say the least but that is a different story, but because of that I was required to do 50 hours of community service. I went to CrossFire today to complete some of those hours and when I was there I met a very nice young man, named andy and worked with him all day. At around 1:45 pm, a man named David Twite came into crossfire and asked us if we had eaten. I was starving, but I didn’t bring any money, thinking well I can not pay for anything; he immediately said his treat. We went down the street to a sandwich shop, we sat outside and for most of the lunch he was talking to andy about his issues and the internal struggle of your old life and your life with christ.
Honestly it seemed like every thing David said was directly related to my situation and resinated inside me and just made sense perfectly to my situation. All of a sudden he stopped and looked right into my eyes and pointed at me and said “I believe I’m here for you.” This immediately raised hairs on the back of my neck because of how it seemed like everything he was saying was too me anyway. He continued to say that “You have a great purpose in life, Christ has plans for you.”
 My entire life I have always had this intense feeling that I was meant to something great; That everything would be okay no matter how bad things got, I knew at the end of the day I would be fine and have everything I need. I think a lot of people have this feeling but the difference I feel is that I just knew, there is no doubt in my mind. Everything just clicked for me from then on, a few minutes after David had directed the conversation to me, my brother Bryan Rensberry, came to pick me up for work. Which was just as David asked me if I was ready to accept christ into my life.
This was all part of god’s plan, something that took place over one year ago, sent me to crossfire to meet David, and gave him the words to reach me and I will be forever grateful to him for that. It was like a bolt a lightning struck me in the heart because I did something that for 23 years I never thought I would and I accepted Christ and committed my life to Christ right there on the spot. There were too many signs so obviously placed in front of me I couldn't ignore them, and earlier in the lunch David had even talked about Christ is always there and the signs are always around us but it is ultimately our choice to accept or ignore them. My eyes and heart our now open to the love of Jesus Christ and I will do everything I can to spread his love through me to others around me.  
Thank you very much David, I could never repay you for what you have done for me. I honestly feel like weight was lifted from my heart today.

Forever Grateful,
Craig Rensberry 

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